• FR
  • Thrive Outside

    Resources for


    These resources are for everyone who has, loves, or works directly with kids! Parents, caregivers, early years educators, teachers, recreation and camp professionals – this is for you! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!

    These resources are for everyone who has, loves, or works directly with kids! Parents, caregivers, early years educators, teachers, recreation and camp professionals – this is for you! Whether you are looking to take your first steps leading children outdoors and you’re not sure where to start, or you’re comfortable leading children outdoors but you’d like to learn more about unstructured play and learning – this is for you!

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    Risk Benefit Assessment for Outdoor Play: A Canadian Toolkit

    This toolkit was designed to support practitioners who work in the outdoor play sector, enabling them to take a balanced approach to risk and safety when working with children outdoors. The toolkit is the result of a broad collaboration, with input from leading figures in outdoor play, academics, policy makers, and face-to-face practitioners from across Canada and has undergone legal review.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Outdoor Play and Learning

    We receive LOTS of questions about how to bring children outdoors! We created this resource to help answer some of your most frequently asked questions. Stay tuned for deeper dives into many of the topics covered.


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    What to Wear for Teaching and Learning Outdoors

    Here are some tips from an educator on how to dress for teaching and learning outdoors! Includes tips for sun and insect protection, and how to stay warm and dry in wet and cold weather!


    Working with Challenging Behaviours: Setting up for Success

    Here are some helpful considerations for working with challenging behaviours outdoors! Includes potential scenarios where you might encounter challenging behaviours and how to approach them. 


    When you want to say, “Be Careful”

    Here are some ideas about what we might say instead of (or in addition to) “Be Careful!”, organized according to Ellen Sandseter’s six categories of risky play! Read the blog post here.


    A Guide to Dynamically Assessing Risk

    This resource shares how to dynamically assess risk (and how to include children in that process) in five easy steps. Read the blog post here.


    Identifying Heat Stroke in Darker Skin Tones

    Did you know that one of the first signs of heat stroke is a change in skin colour? However, this isn’t always easily visible in darker skin tones. We’ve partnered with Black in Nature to help you identify symptoms of heat stroke for children and adults with darker skin tones, and ensure that everyone stays safe and cool under the sun!


    Health and Safety Tips for Managing Wildfire Smoke


    Tips for Staying Safe During Wildfire Season


    Tick Prevention Tips

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    How to set up a tarp

    Here is a video tutorial on how to set up a tarp for shade, shelter and play!